April 17, 2007

Godspeed, Malik Shabazz

Another controversial commentator has been fired from his regular media perch at a cable news channel. But this guy, shall we say, doesn't quite have the profile, or the significance, of Don Imus.

It's Malik Shabazz, general counsel of something called the "New Black Panther Party," who for the last several years has been regularly invited on to Fox News (and only Fox News) to spout Marxist doctrine and 9/11 conspiracy theories involving the Jews. A self-parody in the tradition of Chris Rock's "Nat X" character, Shabazz is often trotted on to FNC to act as a human straw man, but if you're not a Fox watcher, you've probably never heard of him, mostly because he and his group have, essentially, no influence or significance whatsoever.

The other night, Michelle Malkin (sitting in for Bill O'Reilly) had on Shabazz as a guest, in a rare exchange in which Princess Internment was not the more extreme participant. Anyway, Shabazz went on to call Malkin a "political prostitute" and to argue that the Duke lacrosse players were guilty.

Anyway, Fox is going to need to find a new bogeyman who they can tie unconvincingly to the Democratic and African-American leadership, because O'Reilly said last night that Shabazz has been banned from his show. And really, WHERE IS THE OUTRAGE?

Posted by Stephen Silver at April 17, 2007 05:48 PM

I'll bet you 10 dollars that Shabazz and Malkin started making out right after the show was over.

'Slut!' 'Whore!' :: fierce petting session ::

Posted by: alec at April 18, 2007 01:17 PM
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