February 20, 2004


ONE! TWO! JESUS WAS A JEW!: I haven't written too much about "Passion of the Christ," probably because I don't really feel comfortable reviewing a movie sight-unseen before it has even been released. What does concern me a bit is that Mel Gibson has done a whole lot to make himself look like an asshole, from his embarrassing, I-am-God hubris to his refusal to repudiate his loony Holocaust-denying father to his own answering of a question about the Holocaust with the very noncommital "atrocities happened, war is horrible." And no, merely inviting such right-wing Jews as Dennis Prager and Michael Medved to a screening doesn't even come close to making up for it.
I do plan to see the film, for no reason other than to enable myself to participate in the debate, though I don't really feel like giving Gibson any of my money. So I figure I'll probably just buy a ticket to another movie and then hop to Mel's.

Posted by Stephen Silver at February 20, 2004 07:18 PM
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