January 20, 2004


JUDGING A BOOK BY ITS COVER: Michael Totten does just that with Sean Hannity's new book. But it's hard to blame him, as the book is titled "Deliver us from Evil: Defeating Terrorism, Despotism, and Liberalism."
Totten's got it all right, slamming both the Michael Moores of the world and the Hannitys for "cranking out polarizing polemics against The Bad People." Money graf:

I’m sure it’s fun to lump dictators, terrorists, and libruls™ together into one happy and convenient evil ball. It’s got to be even more satisfying to ask the Lord to come down and deliver us from such a horror. My far-left friends know all about it. You know - Republicans hate black people, adore Hitler, throw Muslims into concentration camps, and kill Arabs for oil.

I'm sure the Hannity book will include some disclaimer about how "Alan Colmes isn't like all the other liberals." I guess Hannity is to Colmes as Strom Thurmond was to his maid.

Posted by Stephen Silver at January 20, 2004 01:47 AM
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