December 11, 2003


MY 2003 WEBLOG AWARDS BALLOT: Vote yourself, early and often, over at WizBangBlog.

Best Overall Blog:
Best New Blog (Established in 2003): Electric Venom
Best Group Blog: BlogCritics
Best Foreign Blog: The Dissident Frogman
Best Humor Blog: Bloviating Inanities
Best Looking Blog: Snazzy Kat
Best Female Authored Blog: This Fish (Needs a Bicycle)
Best Liberal Blog: The Talking Dog
Best Conservative Blog: Instapundit
Best Media/Journalist Blog: Gawker
Best Ecosystem Higher Beings & Mortal Humans Blog: James Lileks
Best Ecosystem Playful Primates Blog:
Best Ecosystem Large Mammals Blog: Hi, I'm Black
Best Ecosystem Marauding Marsupials Blog: Overtaken By Events
Best Ecosystem Adorable Rodents Blog: Yale Diva
Best Ecosystem Flappy Birds Blog: Paul Frankenstein
Best Ecosystem Slithering Reptiles Blog: The Notorious B.L.O.G.
Best Ecosystem Crawly Amphibians Blog: Israellycool
Best Ecosystem Flippery Fish Blog: Letters From Baghdad
Best Ecosystem Slimy Molluscs (and below) Blog: Banana Republican
Most Egregious Omission: Dodgeblogium

Check out all the winners.

Posted by Stephen Silver at December 11, 2003 07:40 AM
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