December 03, 2003


THE TIMES EMBRACES BLOGS: Apparently the New York Times learned their lesson from last spring's events, when the constant hammering by bloggers in led paved the way for the resignation of top editor Howell Raines. Last week new Executive Editor Bill Keller admitted that he reads blogs (though he doesn't say which ones), in order to get a handle on what those who follow the media are saying about his paper.
And now, various semi-obscure bloggers are being quoted in pieces in the Styles, Metro, and Arts & Leisure sections, including Aimee Plumley of the NYC Anti-Hipster Forum, and now Bill Cimino of Bloviating Inanities, mentioned in a piece last week about Long Island/Connecticut feuds. New awareness of a major media phenomenon, or merely lazy reporters getting quotes from the internet in lieu of actually interviewing people? The jury's still out, but regardless- who needs Instapundit for blog attention-getting, when we've got the NYT?

Posted by Stephen Silver at December 3, 2003 08:14 AM
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