November 24, 2003


"JOKE 'EM IF THEY CAN'T TAKE A FUCK": The Vodkapundit, Stephen Green, has a great post, extrapolated from a recent Instapundit post about the most recent David Brooks column; Green takes issue with Brooks' contention that there's something wrong with liking sex if you're single.
That last line reminds me of Maggie Gyllenhaal telling her brother to "go suck a fuck," in the first scene of "Donnie Darko." Which also reminds me- I'm very much on the fence about whether or not to go see this new "Mona Lisa Smile" movie. On the one hand, it's a total chick flick, about Julia Roberts (whom I despise) teaching at Wellesley. On the other hand, it's got Kirsten Dunst, AND Julia Stiles, AND the aforementioned Maggie Gyllenhaal- three members of the Modern Megababe Hall-of-Fame. If Rachel Weisz were in it too, then it would be a certain "yes," but as of now I'm 50/50.

Posted by Stephen Silver at November 24, 2003 04:54 PM
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