November 13, 2003


TED RALL: PRO-SADDAM SWINE: Read this. An open letter to the Baathists, Islamists, and Fedayeen Saddam in Iraq, cheering them on against the American troops- and published on Veteran's Day. From the same cartoonist (not writer, cartoonist) who, among other sins, published a comic poking fun at 9/11 widows. And this guy is syndicated nationally?
They won't do it, of course, but if I were the Village Voice I would immediately fire Rall from his cartooning gig. Because if you take the "controversial comments" of Al Campanis, Jimmy "The Greek" Snyder, Trent Lott, Rush Limbaugh, Gregg Easterbook, and Daniel Passner and add them up, it still pales in comparison to the sheer disgustingness of what Rall wrote.
It's one thing to oppose the war, or to want the troops to come home. Those are defensible positions. What is not defensible is to openly root for foreign guerrillas- especially those loyal to one of the most vile dictators in history- to kill American soldiers, as well as UN officials and Red Cross workers. Rall, proudly, defends the slaughter of all three.
The best part? When Rall refers to the Iraqis who help with pro-democracy efforts as "sellouts." What a typical hipster-asshole attitude: "it's okay to support fascism, repression, rape, and murder and everything else Saddam did- just don't sell out, man!"

Posted by Stephen Silver at November 13, 2003 07:59 AM
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