November 13, 2003


KEITH OLBERMANN QUOTE OF THE DAY: Here's Keith, on Tuesday night's episode of "Countdown," talking about how the questions in the recent CNN/"Rock the Vote" campaign were manipulated by producers.

(BEGIN VIDEO CLIP) ALEXANDRA TRUSTMAN, STUDENT: My question for you all is-and it is not quite boxers or briefs-but Macs or P.C.s? (LAUGHTER) (END VIDEO CLIP) OLBERMANN: The student, from Brown University, Alexandra Trustman, took a lot of heat for that question. Then she explained that a CNN producer not only provided the question, but when Ms. Trustman tried to revise it into something about technology use that didn’t sound so "fake young," the producer stopped her. CNN has confirmed it and apologized for it. Next time, have them ask about those new dune buggy things. I hear the kids love those.

Of course, we know how much Keith just loves to tweak all of his former employers on the air, as he's worked in the past for CNN, ESPN, and (of course) Fox.

Posted by Stephen Silver at November 13, 2003 12:12 AM
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