November 10, 2003

MOORE-ON: Michael J. Totten has

MOORE-ON: Michael J. Totten has a great post up about our favorite obese, anti-American documentary filmmaker, who recently asked a German newspaper how it can be possible that "such an ignorant people [America] leads the world?" And he said this to the Germans?
This adds to my long-held theory, buttressed by Moore's ludicrously overpraised film "Bowling For Columbine," that this guy has nothing but contempt for his own country- especially the blue-collar Americans he's long claimed to represent. He also says "just a handful can speak a language other than English." Hasn't he ever heard of Spanish-speaking immigrants? Or does Moore not consider them to be "the American people"?

Posted by Stephen Silver at November 10, 2003 11:11 PM
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