October 13, 2003


TURNING JAPANESE: Here are my reviews of the two best American films of the year so far: "Kill Bill: Volume 1" (at IOFilm.com), and "Lost in Translation" (at Hot Movie Ticket). My friends and I are unanimous in declaring "Kill Bill" kickass, and the best defense I can think of against its' detractors is that while "Pulp Fiction" had 10 great dialogue scenes and one decapitation, "Kill Bill" reverses that ratio.
As for "Lost in Translation," it's the third movie in the past three years directed by a child of Frances Ford Coppola that's better than anything their father has done since the '70s. And a whole movie of Scarlett Johannson in her underwear ain't bad either. When I saw the latter film I ran into a couple of the 'Queer Eye' people, coming out of another movie, and they were of course mobbed by everyone in the theater. I'm telling you, those guys would get laid big time, if they weren't gay…

Posted by Stephen Silver at October 13, 2003 01:09 PM
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