October 02, 2003


B-2 BOB BLOWS UP: I haven't seen this reported anywhere, but on Tuesday's edition of "Hardball" on MSNBC, former Congressman Bob Dornan just about had a meltdown on the air. Host Chris Matthews and his panel were discussing the recall, and when the subject turned to abortion and his 1996 election loss to Congresswoman Loretta Sanchez, Dornan (who's been appearing almost daily on Matthews' recall coverage) just about exploded, and literally started screaming that he'd been wronged. From the transcript:

MATTHEWS: What good does it to elect a pro-life governor if they can’t do...? DORNAN: Around the margins, things like telling grandparents like me, we’re going to kill your grandkids and you have no say. We’re not even going to notify you. All of that creepy legislation that [state Republican chairman Duf Sunheim] fights so well that comes out of that radical left assembly and state senate, a governor around the edges. And I believe Arnold will do that some day. I’ve got the whole country praying for this guy, to turn him around. MATTHEWS: But as much as I love you, Bob, you couldn’t get re-elected in Congress with that kind of argument. Why do you think a governor could get elected? DORNAN: Wait a minute. I did get re-elected, and then I was replaced by a serial adulteress who is pro-abortion, pro-infanticide and lied her way into office. MATTHEWS: That’s the worse thing you can say. She was the people’s choice, Bob. They liked her more than you. DORNAN: Chris, look, I won that election! There were-Gingrich hid 2,400 votes and had the gall to tell me I lost by nine. I won that election, and the party’s had nothing but voter fraud since. Right, Duf? You and every operative in our party knows that Dornan won that ’96 election.

But Democrats who complain about Florida are "sore losers," right? Matthews, at least, apologized to the congresswoman at the end of the program, calling her "a fine woman," and saying that "I have got to disagree completely with the tone and tenor and the remarks made by my friend Bob Dornan. He shouldn’t have said what he said about her tonight."
Dornan clearly was using the Ralphie Cifaretto Method of anti-female defamation: "first of all, she was a hoo-ah."

Posted by Stephen Silver at October 2, 2003 05:39 PM
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