May 29, 2003

MODO'S NO-NO: Well, I guess

MODO'S NO-NO: Well, I guess I spoke too soon about Maureen Dowd's little slip-up being nothing- according to Zev Chafets of the Daily News, she's being investigated. Now, we don't know that anything will come of this, but between that, the Rick Bragg mistakes, and the Jayson Blair fiasco, things are looking mighty bad at the Times. Now maybe I've been reading too much Sullivan (in fact, I know I have), but I really can't imagine that Howell Raines will continue to edit the New York Times for much longer.
Zev Chafets, I should mention, is also the author of one of my favorite quotations of all time: "Israel is the only country in the world where all of the Puerto Rican girls are Jewish."

Posted by Stephen Silver at May 29, 2003 02:12 AM
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