April 28, 2003


OSAMA'S BIN LOVIN': They say Osama Bin Laden's never in the news anymore, but he did make it into New York Press this week. That paper's dreadful new sex columnist "Dategirl," an Amy Sohn/Dan Savage wannabe who until now has spent most of her columns telling any heterosexual male who writes in that he's really gay, wrote her column last week on offbeat crushes readers have had on celebrities. Included is the following utterance by a friend of DateGirl, about Osama Bin Laden:

The thought of [Osama's] rough treatment in a cave while his seven wives looked on disdainfully gave me shower-nozzle masturbation material for weeks.

Yuk. I don't even want to ponder the issues a woman must have to make her be sexually attracted to Osama, though the column does mention this woman's mother had a crush on Moammar Qaddafi in the '80s. This, to me, is much more offensive than anything the Dixie Chicks, Sean Penn, or Susan Sarandon have ever said.

Posted by Stephen Silver at April 28, 2003 12:36 AM
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