April 02, 2003


RESCUE BLUES: In one of the most welcome developments in Iraq since the war began, 19-year-old Army supply clerk Jessica Lynch has been found alive after more than a week as a POW. Lynch's disapperance was the subject of a wrenching segment on CBS' "48 Hours" last Friday in which the people of her West Virginia hometown were shown praying that one of their daughters would come home safely. And while Lynch reportedly suffered two broken legs and a broken arm before and during her captivity, she'll be coming home safely after all.
And what was the name of Lynch's West Virginia hometown? That's right, Palestine. Are there any small towns in Iraq called Tel Aviv? And if there were, would people from there be allowed to fight for Iraq? I'm guessing no to both.

Posted by Stephen Silver at April 2, 2003 04:56 AM
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