April 01, 2003


EXHIBIT A ON WHY AMERICAN HIGHER EDUCATION SUCKS: From a profile (not online) in last week's New Yorker of loony left guru Noam Chomsky:

Chomsky's intellectual influence is still extraordinary. On an academic list of the ten most cited sources of all time (a list that includes the Bible) he ranks eighth- above Hegel and Cicero, just below Plato and Freud.

Just below Plato and Freud? No wonder our nation is filled with idiots. I like this quote better, from NYU professor Paul Postal:
After many years, I came to the conclusion that everything [Chomsky] says is false. He will lie just for the fun of it. Every one of his arguments was tinged and coded with falseness and pretense. It was like playing chess with extra pieces. It was all fake.

Amen to that.

Posted by Stephen Silver at April 1, 2003 10:27 PM
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