March 05, 2003

PORNO JIHAD: As pointed out

PORNO JIHAD: As pointed out by John Paul Pagano and numerous others, captured Al-Qaeda terror mastermind Khalid Sheikh Muhammad appears to be the long lost twin brother of porn legend Ron Jeremy. It is my hope that, once Khalid gets out of the torture chamber or wherever he is, that he finds out about the resemblance- it'll just add insult to injury once he discovers that he looks so much like one of America's foremost infidels. And a Jewish one, at that.
And even worse, the release of Muhammad's photograph led to an article in the New York Post this morning about, yes, waxing for men. The piece even quotes a doctor as saying that "many people think that only homosexuals get their hair removed." Even though just two weeks ago we were told that, due to "Joe Millionaire," "exposed chest hair is in," all of a sudden hairy-chested men such as myself are confronted with a stark choice: wax (and risk looking gay) or don't (and risk looking like a terrorist. Or Joe Millionaire. Or Ron Jeremy.)

Posted by Stephen Silver at March 5, 2003 12:38 AM
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