March 03, 2003


ANOTHER REASON TO NEVER SUPPORT PETA: It was annoying enough when all they did was throw paint on celebrities' fur coats. But now People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals are introducing a project that's not "ethical" by any stretch of the imagination: a poster exhibit/propaganda exercise that draws moral equivilence between modern-day meat-eating and the slaughter of the Six Million- called, that's right, "Holocaust on Your Plate."
According to The Forward, the exhibit "pairs images of soon-to-be slaughtered animals with photographs of starved, naked and slaughtered concentration camp victims." Now, I'm not saying that animal rights isn't a legitimate cause that serious people can get behind- but this new Holocaust project looks like an attempt by PETA to scare away any sane person who's ever even considered giving them their support. I don't know what these lunatics are thinking, but they should know by now that invoking the Holocaust in the service of a petty political cause is never defensible, much less effective.
In response, the kick-ass blogger Meryl Yourish has a better idea: Establishing March 15 as International Eat An Animal For PETA Day. Bill Cimino suggests a beef roast/pork chop combo (Cowporkage), in lieu of Turducken; I'll likely be feastin' on my usual chicken-and-rice combo.

Posted by Stephen Silver at March 3, 2003 05:27 PM
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