July 17, 2002


BIN CAUGHT STEALIN': Yesterday I joked about my desire to write a novel with a Jewish character with the name Benjamin Laden, and his struggles in having to live through 9/11. Well, it turns out there really is a guy out there named Ben Laden, and not only is he Jewish, but he's the leader of a klezmer band! According to klezmershack.com, the Pennsylvania-based Benny and the Vildachayas just released a new album, "Get in Trouble," which features such tracks as "What Jew Want," "Hava NaFriggin' Gilah," and "Shul Time." In response to an e-mail query, Mr. Laden himself (yes, that is his real name) says that "If you like cursing and drug references in your Jewish music, we're the
band for you." And as a longtime Jewish musician, I certainly can appreciate that. You can order "Get in Trouble" by clicking here, although you'll run the risk of the FBI coming after you for sending $15 to Ben Laden.

Posted by Stephen Silver at July 17, 2002 11:05 PM
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