July 16, 2002

YASSER SUES?: Nice to see

YASSER SUES?: Nice to see Yasser Arafat has embraced the American spirit of litigiousness: following reports of widespread corruption in the Palestinian Authority ("who, me?"), Arafat is now threatening to sue an Israeli newspaper that claimed he personally embezzled $5 million from the PA. It's official: Yasser now ranks a perfect 100 on the Unintentional Comedy Scale. Newspapers have been calling Arafat a terrorist for years, and he's never threatened to sue any of them, but this time, he's sufficiently pissed off that he's taking them to court? It's an Israeli newspaper, so does that mean the trial would be in Israel? Let's see Yasser get a fair, impartial trial, in Israel...
All I can say for the charges is the following: I'm about as surprised at hearing that Yasser Arafat is a thief as I was the first time I heard Michael Jackson was a child molester.

Posted by Stephen Silver at July 16, 2002 02:02 AM
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