July 12, 2002


FIT TO BE TIED: The St. Paul Saints, owned by the aforementioned Mike Veeck, has introduced yet another clever promotion: the Bud Selig tie. Yes, the Saints will be making and selling neckties, in honor of the dubious All Star Game tie, with a rather ugly caricature of the onetime "Acting Commissioner For Life" (not that a real life photo would've looked any better.) This follows a similar stunt earlier this year in which fans of the Northern League ballgclub received two-sided seat cushions featuring the Commish and Players Association boss Donald Fehr. Now I've mentioned in the past that Fehr's son was once my roommate in college, and at the same time Selig's nephew was a Brandeis student as well. No word on whether the two ever met/sparred, although this is almost as great a coincidence as when Chelsea Clinton and Ken Starr's daughter both attended Stanford during the 1998 impeachment drama.

Posted by Stephen Silver at July 12, 2002 02:02 AM
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