March 30, 2004

College Doesn't Matter

David Brooks’ best columns always come when he abandons politics and gets into sociology. Today, for instance, he has a great column about how SAT scores, high school grades, and “getting into a good school” aren’t what they’re cracked up to be at all. I completely agree- I’ve come across all sorts of people in my professional life, very successful people, who went to non-elite colleges, even ones I’ve never heard of. And, as Brooks points out, “if at any moment in your later life you so much as mention your SAT scores in conversation, you will be considered a total jerk.”

So if anyone reading this is still in high school and “looking at colleges,” keep this in mind- you’ll be hearing a lot about how which college you pick is “the most important decision of your life”- no, it’s really not.

Posted by Stephen Silver at March 30, 2004 01:45 PM
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