June 01, 2004

Dirty Old Times

If you’re a New York Times reader, a pederast, or both, then you probably greatly enjoyed the NYT Magazine’s cover story on Sunday, which shared the shocking the news that, that’s right, teenagers like to hook up with each other! Seriously!

I don’t know whose decision it was to run this drivel, which pretty much reiterates years-old clichés while mixing in a neo-pedo vibe, all the while operating at a depth level reminiscent of “Loveline.” So it should go without saying that Dr. Drew himself is quoted in the piece.

With that and the nauseating interview with Plum Sykes, this may have been the most gag-inducing issue in NYTM history. Good thing it had a Christopher Walken profile to redeem it. Much the same way Walken himself has been the lone bright spot in bad movies throughout his career.

Posted by Stephen Silver at June 1, 2004 09:54 PM
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