June 07, 2004

See You in ’06

The fifth season of “The Sopranos” wrapped up tonight with a strong episode that’s certain to make the screaming hoards of the fanbase happy: there was a whacking, the resolution of numerous loose ends, and no dream sequences whatsoever.

I’ll write more tomorrow, but I felt the episode did everything a finale should- it brought together all the threads that had been important throughout the season- Tony/Tony B, Tony/Chris, Tony/Johnny, and Tony/Carmela- and satisfied them all satisfactorily. And while Season 4’s final image was music being blasted from a boat at Tony’s real estate lawyer, Season 5’s was much more apropos: Tony crawling out of the woods- like the bear that briefly replaced him- and back into what is now once again his house.

Overall, I rate the season an A-, and the second-best in the show’s history (after Season 1).

UPDATE: It's been well-established that Steve Buscemi and Marc Anthony are lookalikes. Who do you suppose had a worse day on Sunday- the guy who got his head shotgunned off, or the guy who married Jennifer Lopez?

UPDATE II: Entertainment Weekly this week did a compare-and-contrast of quotes by George W. Bush and Little Carmine. Which I guess is proof, once and for all, that the EW editors read this blog.

Posted by Stephen Silver at June 7, 2004 02:45 AM
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