June 22, 2004

Kayak Kommute

According to the New York Post, outer-borough and New Jersey residents may soon to be allowed to kayak to workin Manhattan. Avid kayakers are setting up checkpoints along the Hudson and East Rivers, which may oneday allow commuters an additional option besides their cars, buses, trains, and ferries.

Not sure, however, how people are supposed to get from the pier to their office. Perhaps the idea will also include the “urban kayaking” that was once featured on “Jackass.”

All this reminds me of a conversation I once had with LilB, right after I moved to Hoboken, as we walked along the Hudson River:

Me: They’ve got kayaks over there, I’ve always wanted to take a ride in one.

LilB: You know, you could use one of those to get laid.

Me: By who? A fish?

Posted by Stephen Silver at June 22, 2004 12:04 AM
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