July 14, 2004

Cancel the Election?

As for hand-wringing on the left, there’s been lots this week about what to do should a terrorist attack disrupt November’s election. Officials with the Department of Homeland Security will meet this week to discuss the scenario, which is not totally without precedent- the 2001 New York mayoral primary was originally scheduled for September 11, 2001, but was postponed two weeks following the attack.

Some paranoid types are panicking, believing it’s just the Bush Junta’s latest subversion of democracy (following Florida, the California recall, and all that). But really, to get such a plan locked in now, in advance, is a good idea. I mean, what would you prefer- a plan being in place months beforehand to deal with such a calamity, or Bush making one up on the fly? If you’re a Bush hater, which scenario scares you more?

However, I only advocate this should an attack happen ON Election Day. If there's an attack, say, three weeks before, it's hard to defend rescheduling the election.

And besides, if Bush really did have a nefarious plot to cancel the election and declare himself King For Life, why would he make the information public now?

Posted by Stephen Silver at July 14, 2004 01:03 AM
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