July 20, 2004

'Roll Call IX

Blog: Idle Gossip
Blogger: Michael
Location: DC area
Have I Met Him? No
Why He’s On the ‘Roll: One of the those “Democratic lobbyists” we’ve heard so much about, Michael writes about politics and pop culture- every, really, except gossip.
Best. Post. Ever.: A look at “The War at Home.”

Blog: Illuminated Donkey
Blogger: Ken Goldstein
Location: Jersey City
Have I Met Him? Yes
Why He’s On the ‘Roll: A Blogger Bash perennial, "the IllDonk"'s blog is way too good to still be on Blogspot. Despite that, and even though he’s lived in six different cities in New Jersey and is a Nets and Mariners fan, Ken is not a masochist.
Best. Post. Ever.: The inaugural celebration of Ken Goldstein of the Week Week.

Blog: Instapundit
Blogger: Glenn Reynolds
Location: Tennessee
Have I Met Him? No
Why He’s On the ‘Roll: Why do you think? The most-read, most-linked, and most-influential blogger by almost every estimation, a Blogroll without the good prof is like a day without sunlight. I just wonder, with all the dozens of posts every day, where he finds the time to actually be a law professor.
Best. Post. Ever.: The one time he linked to me, of course.

Blog: …Is Full of Crap
Blogger: Laurence Simon
Location: Houston
Have I Met Him? No
Why He’s On the ‘Roll: The man who administers the Blogosphere’s most popular “dead pool,” Laurence’s hilarious rants merit inclusion- even though he started the new site after jettisoning one of the great blog names in history, “Amish Tech Support.”
Best. Post. Ever.: A certain controversially-named contest.

Blog: It Comes In Pints?
Blogger: Emily Jones
Location: California
Have I Met Her? I wish
Why She’s On the ‘Roll: The third blogger I ever read (after Sullivan and Asparagirl), Emily’s still going strong, albeit focusing more on “Lord of the Rings” and Lucas-bashing than political stuff. But she recently added a co-blogger, Ken Summers, to shore up the anti-idiotarian quotient.
Best. Post. Ever.: Emily:"The BBC criticizing our media for not being 'impartial' is like Divine calling RuPaul out for being 'too gay.'"

Blog: It Could Be a Lot Better Too
Blogger: Matthew
Location: Mississippi
Have I Met Him? No
Why He’s On the ‘Roll: A libertarian look at journalism and politics from a Southern boy who’s apparently had better things to do than blog for the past few months.
Best. Post. Ever.: A confession that he fell asleep during last year’s NFL playoffs; I myself only stayed awake for three of last year’s six World Series games.

Posted by Stephen Silver at July 20, 2004 12:25 AM
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