August 02, 2004

Independent Woman, Part I

New York blogger Stephanie Klein has hit the big-time, as she’s the subject of a profile/excerpt in the London newspaper The Independent, which calls her “the Internet Queen of Manhattan.” It means that Stephanie is sharing a publication with the infamous left-wing journalist Robert Fisk (he of “fisking”), though I’ve met Steph, and she’s considerably better-looking than Fisk.

The piece is likely to earn her all sorts of fans across the pond, and another commenter shares that “all these people have been finding my site by searching for you from that time I anaylzed your explanation of getting your ninny waxed.”

Another extremely honest blogger who often writes about “ninnies,” albeit using much more salacious terminology, is this man, who calls himself “Steve, the Mildly Unwell Bastard” (no, it’s not me). Like Slurm, this sex blog is highly addictive, I warn you, though for Steve’s sake I really hope he’s changing LOTS of identifying details. Some of the activities described therein (namely, schtupping one’s 17-year-old secretary) tend to be frowned upon by human resources personnel and law-enforcement authorities.

Posted by Stephen Silver at August 2, 2004 02:37 AM
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