August 09, 2004

The Gawk Abides

Choire Sicha is out as editor of, having accepted a job as “editorial director” of Nick Denton’s empire. The new editor is Jessica Coen, who I will now and forever refer to as “The Coen Sister.”

Speaking of New York media departures, Executive Editor and Andrew Sullivan nemesis Richard Goldstein has been sacked at the Village Voice, joining a growing list of recent VV departees that includes media columnist Cynthia Cotts, fanatical Israel-basher Alisa Solomon, and Adrien Brody’s mom, photographer Sylvia Plachy. I bashed Goldstein here often, but I always found his writing interesting, and he'll be missed.

And speaking of Coens, here’s an NYT treatment on the Cult of The Dude.

Posted by Stephen Silver at August 9, 2004 09:42 PM
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