Longtime blogger John Paul Pagano –a techie by profession- is a published author for (I believe) the first time, having gotten his persuasive “Ralph Nader’ And Anti-Semitism” piece into the new issue of The Jewish Press. Check it out.
UPDATE: More from John on the subject (from a few weeks ago, emphasis mine):
"Zionism is the 21st Century's Talmud. It's a merkin used by haters to disguise their real target: Jews. Like the Talmud, it's a symbol of negative Jewry, disingenuously held distinct from assimilative or normative Jewry, for whom the Leftist or Arab anti-Semite disclaims any hatred."Posted by Stephen Silver at August 11, 2004 06:16 PM
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Posted by: PATRICIAQuinn18 at July 14, 2011 08:36 AM