September 01, 2004

The Protesters’ Conformity

Scott Ganz –like me a nominal liberal who nonetheless recognizes Chomskyite nonsense when he sees it- has a dynamite post on the lockstep conformism of this week's protesters:

“These people all look exactly alike. I know, it's a superficial observation, but I think it speaks to something deeper.

The look, as some fashion nazi from InStyle would call it, is as follows: The women, all short, thick-legged, and tanned like catchers' mitts, wear shorts, tank tops accented by star-shaped tattoos across their tits, and bandannas on their hair, which is either because they're too indie to wash it, or it's the closest they can get to a khaffiyeh…

The guys, meanwhile, are all thin as Italian racing dogs, and adorn themselves in corduroys or jeans, with painfully clever T-Shirts like this one, and top it all off with, again, totally fucked up hair…

The fact is, these people read the same books, study under the same professors, they often share the same men/women, and they have about as much respect for those with different opinions as the Duke Boys had for Sheriff Roscoe...

All I'm saying is, whatever their beliefs, we should be a little worried by how their community works. It's as conformist, exclusive, and snobbish as any country club, and it smells so much worse.”

One thing Scott doesn’t mention: not only are they stealing from one another, but the entire aesthetic is just one big rip-off of the ‘60s. How can we take a movement seriously when just about everything they’re doing is a pale imitation of what happened almost four decades ago?

Posted by Stephen Silver at September 1, 2004 06:34 PM
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