September 17, 2004

Best Thing of Its Kind Since the Sloganator

Sheila lets us know about the Snark-O-Tron, which actually generates snark automatically. And to think, all this time we’ve been coming up with snark on our own.

Anyway, I plugged in a few of this blog’s favorite people, with hee-larious results:

“I think I'd be really aroused, and I mean that sexually, if a giant rock fell from the sky and landed on Michael Moore.”

“If I were stuck on a desert island with Ann Coulter, I would kill myself with a bottle of whiskey.”

“I'd like Bud Selig to spend less time crying about how he'll never marry Bea Arthur and more time dreaming about humans.”

“Imagine Noam Chomsky. Now imagine Noam Chomsky straddling Estelle Getty.”

"Hey Michelle Malkin. Stop trying to act tough. We all know you're lame."

“I'd like Ben Affleck to spend less time making out with Satan and more time throwing feces at humans.”

“The most fascinating thing about Stephen A. Smith is that he's sort of like a really lame version of Bob Barker.”

"I would love to see an episode of some show where Paris Hilton throws a bucket of chum at Nicole Ritchie."

"Hey Courtney Love. Stop trying to not suck. Just embrace it. And then go away."

“What's most disturbing: a bucket of poop, Madeleine Albright, or Sean Salisbury?”

Posted by Stephen Silver at September 17, 2004 12:03 AM

Wouldn't it be the best if someone from The Apprentice and Steve Silver had a three-way with Kyle from The Real World?

Posted by: Snarky McSnarker at September 17, 2004 12:45 AM

Why Kyle? Why not his Real World:Chicago castmate, Cara Nussbaum-Kahn?

Posted by: Stephen Silver at September 17, 2004 01:41 AM

OMG, the Michelle Malkin and Courtney Love ones were spot on!

Posted by: Emily at September 20, 2004 03:17 PM
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