October 14, 2004

It's Raining Mann

Keith Olbermann’s blog, Bloggermann, is finally online. Since Keith’s old ESPN.com column from circa 1996 was I believe the first thing I ever read regularly on the internet, I’ve been looking forward to the blog for quite some time.

Posted by Stephen Silver at October 14, 2004 10:16 PM

Hi Steve,

It's gonna be great to have a KO blog daily. Even thought he writes his own stuff on the show, I always got the feeling that he didn't have enough time to put his own more than two cents in. He likes to do stuff in depth (like when he wrote for Salon) and now he can.

Hey, sorry about the Twins.

Yankees suck.


Posted by: zoey at October 14, 2004 11:42 PM
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