November 04, 2004

Voice Not Of America

New York Press has lately been making fun of the Village Voice and its penchant for impossibly shrill, repetitive anti-Bush covers, nearly always depicting the commander-in-chief as either a monkey or a cowboy. This week, they've decided to hold a little contest among their staff to guess the Voice's post-election front-page. My personal favorite is A.J. Daulerio's:

There is a pissed-off donkey in blackface, wearing a rainbow coat, cradling a picture of Christopher Reeve, sitting on a garbage heap of swing-state votes. It's watching an elephant with a Bush-like visage, smiling devilishly and wiping its ass with the Kyoto Treaty right next to a copy of the Constitution, which is covered in giant, smoldering turds.
Also, Nick Bilton:
Bush is a marionette at the end of a performance. He is kneeling, hands raised to God. In the background, the Supreme Court justices—also marionettes, Team America-style—are dressed as cheerleaders. Behind them, Karen Hughes, Katherine Harris, Condi and Jeb form a swing band. Hundred-dollar bills fall from above like confetti; on each side, oil gushes like 4th of July fireworks. At the top of the page, Karl Rove, Dick Cheney and Jesus control the marionettes.
The Voice, true to reform, refers in a new piece to "The Death of Our Civic Life."

Posted by Stephen Silver at November 4, 2004 12:33 AM

Don't forget Arial Sharon and AIPAC. Wouldn't be a good Bush controlled by to leave out the Jews and the neo-cons would it?

Posted by: J. Lichty at November 4, 2004 01:50 PM

That's great. I am so sick of the Village Voice and their covers. They need to recognize how silly they look to NYers.

Posted by: Steve Tana at November 15, 2004 12:52 AM
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