November 11, 2004

Girls Hate Each Other- And Bill Maher

Despite their differing politics, I've always gotten the sense that Bill O'Reilly and Bill Maher get along well with one another, when they've appeared on each other's shows. But now they've got one more thing in common- they've both been sued by women this year for sexual misconduct.

Maher, according to the Smoking Gun, has been sued for $9 million by former girlfriend Nancy "Coco" Johnsen, who says Maher "subjected her to physical and verbal abuse, including 'insulting, humiliating and degrading racial comments.'" Not a surprise, to anyone who's ever seen more than five minutes of a Maher TV show or stand-up act.

Then I started thinking- Maher's girlfriend, Coco, hmm, sounds familiar. But then I remembered something from Andrew Sullivan's Weekly Dish e-mail, following Sully's "Real Time" appearance in February:

Maher is completely and wonderfully larger than life. His current girlfriend, Coco, was a gorgeous African-American woman in a blond wig with an endowment far more impressive than Janet Jackson's. Coco apparently reads this blog a lot. I'm flattered.
Wow. So soon after that whole grabbing-his-own-ass-on-live-TV thing, does Sullivan really want to be linked to Maher in the press all over again?

Posted by Stephen Silver at November 11, 2004 08:23 PM
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