January 31, 2005


Manhattan blogger extraordinaire C reported last week that she was recently invited to an orgy (she declined). She did later tell me, however, that she attended the “pre-orgy party,” but left before the action started.

This brings up all sorts of unanswered questions. How do orgies get planned? Is there an Evite (“Come to Bob’s Orgy”)? Are there rules in place to assure male/female balance? Is it like a Blogger Bash, where everyone e-mails each other pictures the next day?

Does everyone wear masks and talk really slowly? Is the whole thing accompanied by a single shrill, repetitive, piano note? Did Sydney Pollack show up, in suspenders but no shirt? Did I forget to include any feeble “Eyes Wide Shut” references?

Posted by Stephen Silver at January 31, 2005 06:17 PM

Missing "Eyes Wide Shut" related question - Was it surprisingly boring?

Posted by: Gib at February 1, 2005 08:44 AM
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