February 24, 2005

Malkin Goes Emo

My old pal Michelle Malkin has come up with some pretty clueless, indefensible stuff over the years, but her column today on self-mutilation by teens may be the dumbest thing she’s ever written. And coming from the author of “In Defense of Internment,” that’s quite an accomplishment.

The column, on “The New Youth Craze: Self Mutilation,” completely misunderstands its subject in just about every way possible, ignoring the obvious (that “cutting” is nearly always associated with depression), and pretending as though it’s some kind of peer-pressure induced, hipster act. Then, as ill-informed social conservatives tend to, Malkin blames it all on Hollywood, cherry-picking some quotes from Christina Ricci, as though Ricci were actually some sort of major figure in popular culture.

But worst of all, is this line:

There is even a new genre of music — "emo" — associated with promoting the cutting culture.
Say what? Cutting’s not new, and emo’s not new, and unless you find it particularly depressing to listen to Dashboard Confessional, the two have nothing whatsoever to do with one another. I’ve listened to emo for years- ever since the first Weezer album- and today’s the first time I’ve ever heard it associated with cutting.

I’d like to hear Michelle name three emo bands. If she can’t, I’d prefer she stick to subjects she’s more familiar with, such as immigrant-bashing, and throwing whole races of people into camps.

UPDATE: On her blog, Malkin says "another theme among many letter-writers and bloggers is that I'm an idiot because 'emo' music is not new and has nothing to do with cutting." As proof, she cites the emo band The Apathy Code (which I've never heard of, and I know this stuff), and also tosses in a Google search-string of the connection that's "cited repeatedly on kids' websites and blogs." Except that the first search result states plainly "I don't get why so many of you are relating self- injury with emo," and since Michelle doesn't put "self-injury" in quotes, the majority of the results have nothing to do with the subject. But I should stop picking on her- otherwise, she might try to have me "interned."

Posted by Stephen Silver at February 24, 2005 01:00 AM

bravo, well said.

Posted by: Ivan at February 24, 2005 01:43 AM

So now your pals with Michelle Malkin? Hehe. I thought the emo line was priceless.

Posted by: Petitedov at February 24, 2005 11:04 AM

So while I agree with you about Michelle Malkin being an idiot from what you have told me (I don't read her blog)..YOU shouldn't read her blog. Its just making her more popular...the same way I only read yours bc you are my FRIEND.

Posted by: A at February 24, 2005 12:45 PM

As emo as Weezer isn't, you're right about this lady being totally absurd. Cutting dates wayyyy back. Emo dates back to mid-80's. I just don't believe she is pulling one of these.

Reefer Madness anyone?

Posted by: dk at March 1, 2005 03:14 AM
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