February 27, 2005

Fantasy Baseball Team Ideas: The New Batch

I fully suspect that at least 50% of this year’s team names will be some reference to steroids/BALCO/Canseco/”The cream and the clear.” Accordingly, my team this year is “The Masking Agents,” in a last-minute decision over coming up with some sort of play on “Merkin Valdez.”

Here we go: As always, some were my ideas, others were contributed by readers or found elsewhere:

- The Tropicana Juice

- The Bathroom Stall Bash Brothers

- The Victor Conte All-Stars

- The Grand Jury Leaks

- Los Guapos

- Fielder’s Choice

- Hebrew Nationals

- Honey Nut Ichiros

- The Bear Backs

- The Van Buren Boys

- The Jesusland Jets

- The Dustin Diamondbacks

- The Jaleel White Sox

- 24 Hour Party People

- Winnie the Pujols

- Wynn, Lohse or Drew

- Jeters Never Prosper

Posted by Stephen Silver at February 27, 2005 07:38 PM

Jose CanseBalco Rage

Posted by: Greg at March 1, 2005 06:00 PM

Just name your team the "Breaking Balls" and be done with it.

Can you beat that name?

Posted by: Dave Bowman at February 10, 2006 02:52 AM
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