March 08, 2005

Here’s the Scoop

Meet the newest columnist: Robert “Scoop” Jackson. Not only did he take his name from one of the greatest senators in American history, but Jackson was once, tangentially, my co-worker: He was editor of Hoop and Inside Stuff magazines when they were published by PSP, where I worked from 2000-2001.

Based on Jackson’s introductory column, however, I’m sure not how often I’ll be returning to it:

Well, first off – I is not that important. I am just a writer from Slam, XXL, NBA and Nike who found his way into ESPN's backdoor. Lucked up. Spit a few verbs, convinced 'em that Stephen A. wasn't the only one.
Guess that’s bad news for Slava Medvedenko. Jackson’s first column is written in the format of Costner’s famous monologue from “Bull Durham,” and while he remains silent on Astroturf, the designated hitter, and whether Oswald acted alone, Jackson does share this nugget:
I believe until she has a child, Serena Williams is the sexiest female athlete alive.
Huh? Is Jackson saying that Serena will cease to be as sexy once she gets pregnant, or that her child will eclipse her in sexiness, once she has one?

Posted by Stephen Silver at March 8, 2005 01:54 PM
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