March 18, 2005

Blog Backlash

Eric, the Young Curmudgeon, has a great post on why he doesn't read political blogs anymore, mainly because they've gotten even more partisan and mean-spirited than the "MSM" they presume to critique. The best part:

A corrolary of 3 is how cliquish and juvenile the whole enterprise has become. If you dis a given politician, pundit, or god forbid, blogger, then immediately that blogger/pundit/politician's entire fan club attacks you, most often with personal insults. (All the while, Reynolds links with "Jarvis smacks down Cole" or some such line, like a blogospheric gossip columnist.) Thinking, actually analyzing an issue, (which I think was the point originally, right?) has been completely lost.
He also criticizes the recent OpinionJournal piece by right-wing comic Julia Gorin that everyone linked to; I hadn't thought it was funny either, but then I'd figured it was just "libertarian humor" that I wasn't meant to understand anyway.

And on the same topic, Lindsayism has a hilarious list of "blog cliches."

Posted by Stephen Silver at March 18, 2005 02:54 AM

Those are great cliches. Here are some other cliches:

Getting up in the morning.
Brushing your teeth.
Breathing oxygen.
Returning an insincerely friendly greeting in kind.
Looking at things.

Why is everybody still wearing shoes? It's been done. What's with day following night? Tired!

Posted by: Jim Treacher at March 18, 2005 02:12 PM


Posted by: Karol at March 20, 2005 03:35 AM
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