April 19, 2005

Sports Guy Edit Watch

No, this time it has nothing to do with Peter North. In today's "More Cowbell" column Simmons discussed the possibility of either a class of NBA fans or the Toronto Raptors filing a lawsuit against Vince Carter, for tanking games with the Raptors before being traded to the Nets and reviving his career. Then he said this:

the way the NBA's collective bargaining agreement is set up, you can get away with just about anything and still get paid (like Sprewell choking his coach, or Vin Baker's showing up drunk to practices).
Well, apparently fearing a lawsuit of their own, Simmons' editors quickly changed "drunk" to "in rough shape." Although I hadn't thought there was any doubt that Baker really did attend practices or games under the influence.

UPDATE: As the guys at SonsOftheSportsGuy pointed out, there was a whole paragraph of Ron Mexico jokes that were deleted as well. Uh oh.

Posted by Stephen Silver at April 19, 2005 10:31 PM
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