November 04, 2005

I Must Buy... The Twins. I Must Buy... The Twins

Baseball Hall of Famer Reggie Jackson has announced that he is interested in purchasing the Minnesota Twins. Now since Reggie would presumably move the team to his adopted hometown of Las Vegas, I can't say that I recommend such a transaction. Then again, there's also that pesky matter of the team not actually being for sale. Reggie is also an employee of the Yankees, which doesn't bode particularly well for his prospects of owning another team.

Posted by Stephen Silver at November 4, 2005 04:23 PM

What a bizarre week in Minneapolis.

First Dan Barreiro just rips into Mike Max on KFAN for questioning Strib beat writer Steve Aschburner's line of questioning to Kevin Garnett after he missed a team function. Apparently during one of Max's standard suck up sessions, he told KG that he cringed when he heard Aschburner ask him a question about missing a team function. Barreiro was down right hilarious about it.

Then Channel 5 news does this highly sensational story where it turns out they dug through a garbage dumpster to find trash bags that Bryant McKinnie and Mewelde Moore had dumped. They then attempted to link items in the garbage to the sex cruise without any real evidence.

Now Mr. October wants to "buy" the Twins. I guess it makes sense...I'm sure a lot of people have conceived twins in Las Vegas.

Posted by: Matt at November 5, 2005 05:03 AM

It would be awesome if Vegas got a baseball team, which I think is inevitable...whether its the twins or not..who cares!

Posted by: A at November 6, 2005 10:53 PM

I think MLB has a bylaw that no major league team will ever be located in Las Vegas, for obvious reasons. It might be the NFL that has that rule, though. In any case, Vegas currently has a minor league team, the Area 51s.

Posted by: LilB at November 7, 2005 11:01 AM
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