January 14, 2007

Scoop of the Month

Mark McGwire has finally broken his silence about not making the Hall of Fame, saying that he is "very proud of" his career, and making no statements about whether he did or didn't use steroids. The media outlet that broke the story? The Daily Titan, which is the student newspaper at Cal State Fullerton. Apparently they were the only outlet in the country that noticed Big Mac was appearing at a charity function and decided to talk to him there.

Posted by Stephen Silver at January 14, 2007 03:05 PM

You're turing into drudge. Rather than linking to the actual article (http://media.www.dailytitan.com/media/storage/paper861/news/2006/12/11/News/Mcgwire.Speaks.About.Hall.Snub-2632313.shtml?sourcedomain=www.dailytitan.com&MIIHost=media.collegepublisher.com), you linked to an article that mentions the original article.

Posted by: Jeff S at January 15, 2007 11:59 AM
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