January 18, 2007

This Was As Predictable As Anything That's Happened on the Show

News Item: Muslims angry about "24"

Yes, of course they are. Look at it this way: this is the sixth season of "24." Of the six, this is the third in which the primary terrorists have been Muslims, for a ratio of 50%. Thus, Islamic radicals make up a considerably lower percentage of total terrorists on "24" than they do in real life.

If a show about counter-terrorism were to go several seasons without any Islamic radicals whatsoever, it would be nothing less than dishonest. Not to mention that all of the three seasons have also featured "good" Muslim characters, and that it's virtually certain the real villains of this season will ultimately turn out to be either the military/industrial complex, Big Oil, or both.

Posted by Stephen Silver at January 18, 2007 11:01 PM
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