February 27, 2007

Worst Lede of the Week

From an E! news story on a madam who claims to have serviced many in Hollywood:

"According to a former Hollywood madam, Ben Affleck and Bruce Willis have more in common than mediocre acting skills and starring roles in Armageddon.
Hey, Willis wasn't so bad on "Moonlighting," or in "Sixth Sense" and "Unbreakable." I'm curious who else was on the client list. Now that Al Gore is a huge movie star...

Posted by Stephen Silver at February 27, 2007 10:14 PM

First off, Al Gore is not a huge star. If he becomes a huge star then I better leave my pursuit of working in the entertainment industry and go back to politics.

Posted by: A at February 28, 2007 02:51 AM
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