March 06, 2007

Scooting Off to Jail

News Item: Scooter Libby convicted on four of five charges

I haven't read much about the verdict yet, but once I have I will comment further.

UPDATE: The Republican Theory of Everything stands: One of the jurors was... a former journalist! MSM MSM MSM!

Posted by Stephen Silver at March 6, 2007 05:38 PM

I know you are trying to be funny here in your refusal to believe that certain media outlets which have become known to all but you as the MSM, may have a teensy bias or dislike of George Bush and the Republican party, but do you realize that you are quoting Time Mag to guage the reaction to how Republicans felt about the verdict?

I suggest you read National Review for a good sampling of the reaction from some of the leading thinkers on the right. I think you will see that no one is blaming the jury at all, much less our intrepid/juror-reporter. For example, see Byron York's recap: Why Libby Lost for a representative review of the trial. In fact, it appears that the verdict to a great deal hinged on the testimony of Tim Russert - the jury found him to be credible - and York does not even criticize this as MSM bias or any such thing that would have occured had the reporter's who's credibility was to be assessed was right leaning. In short, you can take your pot shots at the right, but we are far more honest and introspective than our counterparts. VLWC be damned.

The big complaints are that this case never should have been brought in the first place - something any Clinton impeachment opposer must logically agree with. Wasn't the defense for Bill that he never did anything wrong with Monica Lewinsky so he should not be prosecuted for perjury? Well, Libby did not leak Plame (it was Armitage) and no charges were brought for leaking her name - i.e. Libby never did anything illegal wiht Lewinsky,nor did anyone else, but rather he lied under oath - and for that he was convicted (and probably rightfully so once the case was sent to the jury).

Posted by: J. Lichty at March 7, 2007 11:02 AM
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