March 08, 2007

Obama-Barkley '08?

With Tiger Woods as Secretary of State? That's something we must ponder after reading this great GQ profile of TNT's "Inside the NFL" crew. The best part:

Charles gives up about three minutes in and makes a phone call. "Hey, Barack," he says. "Charles Barkley here. Hey, congratulations, man! We did good. I'm so excited. We swept those assholes out of town." (This is November 9, two days after the election.) "Listen, man," he goes on, "I was just in Vegas with Tiger for the fight. It was a lot of fun. He's in Asia now, playing for the next couple of weeks, but when he gets back, I gotta get y'all together. He's finally at the point in his life where he can think about something other than golf. He's ready to become more political. You'd be a great place for him to start. When he gets back, let's get y'all together."
Wow. And I'd been under the impression that Sir Charles was a lifelong Republican.

Now, if Barack can get endorsements of both members of Gnarls Barkley, then he'll really be in business. More on Barack and the black community here.

Posted by Stephen Silver at March 8, 2007 09:04 PM

best Charles quote from that article: "no way having a baby hurts as much as playing on a sprained ankle."

Posted by: LilB at March 9, 2007 11:45 AM
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