March 27, 2007

Film Critic Quote of the Week

Neill Cumpston, the guy who wrote that review that called "300" "ass-ruling," is back, and he's seen "Grindhouse":

This one was directed by Quentin Tarantino, who’s been an actor in stuff like RESERVOIR DOGS and PULP FICTION (he’s also in PLANET OF TERROR and DEATH PROOF). This is his first directing job and the dude KICKS ALL SPECTRUM OF ASS. He kicks ass that isn’t even in the ass area. Like, his director skills are so stripper-with-chainsaw good they make you grow asses on other parts of your body that he then kicks. I hope he directs more movies. I would see them, burn down the theater, and then call the fire department so I could tell all the fireman about what a kick-ass movie it was. When they started to attack me with axes, I’d fly away because Quentin’s movie would have given me ninja flight.
(He's just kidding about Quentin, kids.)

I'm seeing this one next Wednesday. As for current cinema: "Shooter" is a laughably silly thriller, sort of a sillier, far-left-wing version of "24," that's redeemed only by a great chase scene through Philly, and a cackling performance by Ned Beatty as an evil senator who might as well be wearing a T-shirt that says "Dick Cheney."

Meanwhile, "Blades of Glory" was considerably funnier than it had any right to be, especially since a whole lot could have gone wrong with it that doesn't. A movie like that adds up to the sum of its gags, and in this one the majority of them work. Ferrell's at his best, Amy Poehler and Will Arnett are great villains, and the filmmakers get around the whole problem of figure skating being lame by giving all the skating scenes laughably awful special effects. And Craig T. Nelson is in it as in it as a coach who's only ever called "Coach"- the best gag of its kind since the "Judge Reinhold's Mock Trial" episode of "Arrested Development."

Posted by Stephen Silver at March 27, 2007 05:32 PM

dude if you are seeing Grindhouse next week I MUST ALSO JOIN YOU.

Posted by: LilB at March 28, 2007 12:20 PM
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