June 13, 2007

Sopranos Critic Quote of the Day

David Weigel makes some interesting points that I somehow missed:

BTW, a lot of ends were left untied, obviously, but I like that A.J. is mobbed up, working his way up a mafia-owned film company on the way to running some mafia-owned clubs. He was never going to become another Tony. He’s the Jersey crew’s version of Little Carmine. And Meadow is going to become the Sopranos universe version of Tom Hagen. Tony didn’t just pass on his putrid genes…

As to the google blog searches I’ve done, revealing that some fans wonder if there’ll be a movie - uh, why? The crew is fucking dead. Do you want a new Godfather III with George Hamilton as the “new Silvio”?

Better that than "Tony Soprano vs. the Vatican."

Still, it seems like the conventional wisdom on the finale has shifted 180 degrees since Sunday, from "what a disappointment" all the way to "if you think about it, that's really brilliant."

Posted by Stephen Silver at June 13, 2007 04:58 PM
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