June 26, 2007

I Know It Was You, Dubya

Jonathan Chait, on our John Cazale-like president:

The most fun detail in the Washington Post's series about Dick Cheney is that President Bush calls Alberto Gonzales "Fredo." One might wonder why he appointed as Attorney general someone he regards as a hapless ne'er do well. One theory is that we wanted a doormat.

But here's another theory. Until 1994, George W. Bush was anything but a success. Through his family connections he had been given backing for a series of business ventures, all of which failed. His one skill seemed to be glad-handing, and so this was put to use as "owner" -- he actually put up just a token sum of money -- for the Texas Rangers, where he slapped backs and chatted up fans. His younger brother, Jeb, was considered the family's bright light and the son most likely to run for the presidency.

In other words, until 1994 (when Jeb lost a race for Governor and George W. won), George W. Bush was Fredo. No wonder he's so sympathetic to Gonzales.

So Sonny = Jeb and Bush 41 = Don Vito, so I guess that means Solozzo is Saddam. Why didn't Maureen Dowd write this column eight years ago? I guess Dubya, after leaving office, should avoid fishing boats.

Posted by Stephen Silver at June 26, 2007 05:08 PM

Funny stuff...do you watch Lil Bush? Jeb is portrayed as ritarded on it.

Posted by: A at June 27, 2007 08:51 AM
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