August 15, 2007

Down With Joe

Ken Tremendous, who authors one of the best baseball blogs on the Internet ( had a piece in this week's Sports Illustrated- not about Morgan, but rather about Boston fans' reaction to suddenly becoming the sports capital of America after decades of losing. It's a pretty good piece- in fact, in the category of "Readable Pieces in SI this Summer," the rankings currently go "Ken Tremendous 1, Rick Reilly 0."

Perhaps this is a watershed moment, with the "Fire Joe Morgan" movement reaching critical mass. I mean, Joe said on Sunday night's game that Atlanta needed to be aware because "Pat Burrell can run." If the day comes when ESPN has to submit to the obvious and actually fire Morgan, it'll do for the sabermetrically-inclined baseball blog collective what Rathergate did for the right-wing political bloggers.

Posted by Stephen Silver at August 15, 2007 02:51 PM
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